Monday, November 10, 2008

reno 911

turns out i will be in reno nov 25 - nov 30th. just a shout out to all my peeps in reno


whit said...

all 4 peeps? we are excited to see you. no chance this time for the computer lovers to ruin our internet chances this time!

Rachel said...

oh no... :) so you aren't relying on the neighbors?? haha

whit said...

we have our own this time, rachel. plus, it wasn't even your fault, but just like to pass the blame, you know. Koll and I are already planning so many fun things. Okay, so, only one thing so far, but still... we are so very excited for the aunt and uncle to come.

Rachel said...

haha... whatever, it was Troy anyway! He was streaming video on mom's sling box, remember? I didn't even get on the computer! lol, defensive much?? :) haha.

I am SOO excited too!!!!!!

yoohoo said...

oh yeah, i remember that, streaming video. that was awesome.