Differentiating between wants and needs of course.
All things vintage. Suprisingly all of the following were actual possessions of the family at one point.
Super NES (just the console. I have everything else. Somehow it broke in my most recent move.)
The old Sega Genesis and original Sega with the card slot games. I know that we had them at some point I just don't know where they would be.
The original NES we had in the pool room and all the games. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe I acquired all of that from a friend for 20 bucks, but throughout the years all these vintage/classic games and consoles have been lost or stolen. Probably both.
The old Atari floppy drive and games. Some vintage joysticks would be cool too. The old Atari keyboard and accompanying cartridges that slid into the back of the keyboard.
So basically all I'm asking is that these classics be scrounged up and sent my way. No big deal. Thats all I want this year folks. Be a pal and put a stamp on a box and send it my way.
Upon receipt of the aforementioned I will consider myself truly free and independent at long last. Free at last, free at last.........
Healthy Chocolate Cookies
1 day ago
we didn't land on sega genesis, sega genesis landed on us
Dearest Yoohoo: We're so happy to hear about your upcoming independence day. We truly wish you the best and that you will be happy, fulfilled, and find it within yourself to endeavor to treat others with that same feeling of brotherhood and comerauderie that is so very needed in today's troubled world. That notwithstanding, I have nothing that could be considered "vintage" to send to you. It rends my heart to think that your one true desire will be left unfulfilled, so I've attached to this comment a box full of excellent video games from a previous century that no one has played for quite some time. Enjoy!
Dearest Yoohoo: Such strong and forceful language should only be employed in the most dire circumstances. To reciprocate, I'm attaching here a half stick of dynamite to take care of your obvious anger issues. I'm truly sorry to hear that you don't think that I should be a vintage dealer. I do have lots vintage items, but most of them are jewelry or furniture, and since you didn't want any of that, I tried to explain that I have nothing vintage to offer you. Again, I'm so sorry about the dynamite
what's with the independence day thing? i've still got my snes with street fighter 2 if you want to come out and play.
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