Just got done watching X Men 3. I wasn't really expecting much considering I didn't really even like the previous movies, but I was really impressed. I think I went just because the potential of the story line to be an amazing movie to watch in a theater is there. Sorry that sentence structure was so horrible but I just don't care. Anyway it was awesome because essentially it was special effects that kind of did whatever they wanted, up was down down was up and sometimes they even forgot which way was which. Fun to watch, also a good plot, which the 2 predecessors lacked.
I've also recently become addicted to baseball. This is mostly because now I can get ESPN mobile through the wifi on my phone. No I wouldn't pay for this service but since its free for me, I just can't get enough. And how 'bout those mariners? Only 3.5 games out of first with the next 3 games against the division leaders. This could make or break us, but I'm not worried. We've really come into our own here of late. I'm excited to see them go into the playoffs. I believe. I think that was even their slogan one year. Any I'm going to get to bed. Tomorrow maybe I'll work on getting my tan back, the burn turned into a tan a couple of days ago but now its not sunny, so I wait.....
Black Bean Burger
1 day ago
Wow. I had no idea X men 3 was so good. That's awesome that you get free wi-fi. Go Mariners. That'd be nice if they went to the playoffs... seems like it'll never happen though, not to be a downer. Couple more weeks and you're done! Woo hoo!! :)
Ya, I thought xmen was really good too. It will be fun to see you tomorrow. Fajitas are my specialty, after all....LOL.
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